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Types of Melanoma

  1. Superficial Spreading Melanoma: The most common type, characterized by its horizontal growth on the skin surface, often presenting as asymmetrical, multicolored lesions with irregular borders.

  2. Nodular Melanoma: Rapidly growing and vertically invading the skin, nodular melanoma often lacks the typical features of other types. It appears as a raised, dome-shaped nodule with a uniform color.

  3. Lentigo Maligna Melanoma: Typically found in older individuals with prolonged sun exposure, this subtype begins as a slow-growing, flat lesion (lentigo maligna) that can progress to an invasive melanoma.

  4. Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: Most common on the palms, soles, or beneath nails, acral lentiginous melanoma presents as dark, irregular lesions, often affecting individuals with darker skin tones.